
State of Emergency

Sometimes it´s even hard to take one day at the time
You watch yourself calmly drown in the depths of your conscience
And finally realise that your previous resolutions statement is no longer valid
In those moments of extreme draught, just when you thought you could conquer your demons
They creep right from behind

Unrecognizable at the beginning
Though you know those unrealistic merciless creatures always return, but in different shades of grey
Try to focus, worthless effort... as some already grab your from the throat
Speaking your mind is an unfortunate endavour
when the common demon has already took control of the main source of wisdom from within

Rapidily your body turns aghast
The nerve cells confuse the pattern so well learned with effort before
While you watch in awe how you loose the grip of sanity
Vividly you revive the old movie you constantly try to avoid watching
Even if the tiniest detail in your surroundings reminds you of it 

Your whole body trembles at the beginning
Your mind tries to descern the meaning of this inequitable virtual battle you are about to loose
A sparkle of true courage excels from the doom
to put your poor defences up and in the peak of this endless fight
Just be conscious enough to watch yourself fade away from reality

Functional movements, breathing control
New resolutions are about to come
This is the State of emergency
It´s inconclusive, yet predominant
The semi-life you are about to live again

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