
For You, Dear

As you entered the gate
Arose silence, now feints
Awoke images through pain
No wonder why I left myself drain...

Consecuences at that time
Conquered sorcerers, denied
Wonder how to put aside
The wounded memories of a lifetime

Princess Gaia, no more tears
Need you here, freeze all tears
Come to shelter this giant me
All that's left is a broken seed
a withered seed..

Climbed summits, mountains
But also survived hell
Corrupted veins, shaded friends
How could I have been so strong
Now sheltered only inside your soul
Mine is torn, mine's a void

Never seeked for true perfection
Never seeked for a higher creation
I just wanted to stay firm
To admire the beauty from within

Never asked for admiration
Never searched for inspiration
Hollow souls what I shall fill
With the thoughts I do make real

No other shall ever dream
About my senses, about my sins
What if we keep silent?
What if I stand still?

Cold cruel summers and never hasitated
To remember the lowest, the lamest
Everything is part of a story
A part of a lifeline
Not some arranged glory

Hazel eyes around me.. 
Hazel eyes inside me..
Hazel eyes embracing from within
Is all I feel, is all I dream
Is all I imagine, is all that's real

Like I feel it now.... 
Floating through the mist
Floating above men's sins
Above the instrascendent mankind's feelings
Above the standard human desires
Above misery, vain and weakness

I love you above this lost soul
That this encounter has lifted to the stars
... to meet yours.

Fotografía: Daniela Portillo Corzo


  1. Buenos versos y las fotos ni qué decir.

    Saludos cordiales

  2. Hola David, muchas gracias por tu comentario, me alegro que te haya gustado. Las fotos son de una amiga fotógrafa, se alegará que hayas resaltado su trabajo también. Saludos!
